In 1870, Frederick Douglass began to publish New Era, a Washington DC-based newspaper intended to embolden the cause of the country's newly-freed men and women. Understanding the new challenges these citizens faced, the paper was devoted to the promotion of self-determination and growth. In that same spirit, New Era Ventures is a DC-based, social-minded conglomerate seeking to carry on this tradition of empowerment through innovations that help users advance themselves and their communities.
about the founder
Mr. Andre Byers is a Harvard-educated entrepreneur and inventor. He has created two patent-pending inventions within four years and was awarded the Washington Business Journal’s “40 under 40.”
Prior to founding New Era Ventures, Byers was an academic. He served as a Professor at Howard University and served as Director of the University’s Interdisciplinary Minor in Community Development. His courses and program direction focused on economic development with the intent to provide students with the knowledge, skillset and tools needed to play a proactive role in community revitalization processes in cities throughout the world. His published works include the following:
"The Indirect Displacement Hypothesis: A Case Study in Washington, DC" - published in The Review of Black Political Economy (an academic journal), and
"Presenting Research to Decision Makers for Action and Results: A Resource Guide for Advocates" - published by the Howard University Center on Race and Wealth
Mr. Byers also served as the President & CEO of the Development Corporation of Columbia Heights (DCCH), a community development corporation whose purpose is to further the economic development of Washington DC, with a particular focus on the Columbia Heights neighborhood. Under Byers’ leadership, the Corporation sought to achieve this goal by increasing commercial, business, and housing developments with a particular focus on opportunities for socially and/or economically disadvantaged persons.
Prior to leading the Development Corporation of Columbia Heights, Mr. Byers worked at the District Government’s Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development, where he served as a Director. At the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development, Byers negotiated and closed real estate deals across the City utilizing various private and public funding sources. He also supported established businesses and startups in underserved neighborhoods as Director of the City’s Great Streets Initiative where he managed its Tax Increment Finance program and created its Small Business Capital Improvement Grant. As the Director of the Great Streets Initiative, Byers aggressively expanded the Initiative in two years – multiplying its grant funding by five (5x) and increasing the number of qualifying corridors from 1 to 11 without incident or waste.